Monday, May 14, 2007

I think my daughter has a photographic memory

The girls have a "My Little Pony" Memory game. It has 36 matching pairs - that's A LOT of little pony cards!

We play it occasionally, and every time, I'm completely amazed at Kanah's ability.

Today, I played with the two of them. The final score:
Kanah - 21 pair
Jamie - 11 pair
Talya - 3 pair
(One pair is damaged, so it gets left out - in case you are doing the math - Gav!)

That's normally the way it goes. If Arja plays, it's a close race between her and Kanah. I absolutely try my hardest - I don't give anything away! She's just THAT GOOD!

The thing that strikes me the most is that she *knows* where a card is most of the time. She doesn't *think* she knows.... she just *knows*! You can see it when she finds the 2nd half of a pair that we've already seen the first half of. She immediately will reach for the one we've already seen, pick it up and not even hesitate. Me - I'll be like.... "Is it *this* one....." and then flip it over and be like "Ah, yes!" (More often, actually, I'm WRONG!) Not her - she reaches with confidence and just knows where to find it. She is almost never wrong once she's seen where a card is.



Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie!
What a small world...I was thinking about you and Arja, wondering how you ended up, and here you are! God is AMAZING! I can see that He is really using your lives. A lot of life has passed since the Omaha World-Herald (I was Gloria Frazier then!) in the cubicle next door. I've prayed for you guys for years! Please tell Arja hi for me. Your girls are amazing! God Bless Ya'll! Glory

Jamie Sanfilippo said...


Wow - where are you? What are you up to? Did you find my blog by just googling my name???

Feel free to drop me an email at


Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised at Kanah! Of course she's smart-she's my son's daughter-and my granddaughter! Yep, you guessed it-I am her very biased Omaha grandma! I don't get to do things with her very often but when I do I am amazed at her abilities!
Go for it, Kanah!

Jamie Sanfilippo said...

Yep - you are biased, but that's allowed!