Saturday, February 3, 2007

And already I've failed

So my plan was to blog every day or two, and I started out strong. But then... sigh... I quickly faded off.

Okay, so I do have an excuse. Everyone in the family has been sick. Not just a little annoying type of cold, but the kind of cold you get once every 5 years that just knocks the life outta ya.

I was at work on Tuesday this week. Yup - that's it. Tuesday. Been home since... mainly in bed. So at least I have that excuse. And I haven't been reading in that time. Heck - I haven't been THINKING during that time. I just kinda turned the brain off and wallowed in sickness.

Now Taly and Arja have it. Kanah was over it early this week.

I'm feeling like I may be on the upswing. So hopefully I'll get back into the swing on this blog thing. Until then, I just had to go on record excusing myself for the past week of inactivity.

More soon... I hope. And hopefully it will be about stuff that actually matters.


Anonymous said...

And then you'll blog once a week, and then once a month, and then people will be yelling at you for not posting on your blog.

However, a grand idea to post that often. Might as well say you'll save the world.

But cool, you have a blog.

Jamie Sanfilippo said...

Wow - I love smart-asses who remain anonymous.