Monday, April 23, 2007

A fun blast from the past

When I was a teen, before I really got into progressive rock, I was for a time really into Christian rock (even after the Rush/King's X days, I was still into it for awhile).

Petra and Mylon and Broken Heart were the two favs... saw them both numerous times in concert. That was fun. Oh... the good ol' days.

I remember I had this "Mylon and Broken Heart" sweatshirt. On the back, in huge letters was "Love God Hate Sin".

It was challenging at times to wear it to school, but I did sometimes.

Anyway, there's lots of Petra videos on YouTube - I won't embed those... But this Mylon video is just so much cheesy fun from the past. (Remember when Simmons drums were cool?)

Yikes - will I look back someday at U2's Elevation DVD (the greatest concert video ever!) and chuckle at how cheesy it is?


Anonymous said...

Bite your tongue!

Jamie Sanfilippo said...

Don't you know my sarcasm yet, Derek?!?!?